Gaijin Schools
Medinaat Schools
Basic Schools
Soldier of the City Guard (Warrior)
The most enduring institution of the Jewel, the City Guard has served the Caliph since its inception. A purely volunteer organization for most of its history, the City Guard forms the core of the Jewel’s standing army as well as policing the streets. The City Guard is also the only organization that is allowed to carry swords and heavy weapons legally. Since all it takes to join the Guard is volunteering two days of the week, many organizations such as the Houses of Dahab and the Ebonites enroll their warriors in the City Guard to allow them the privilege of carrying weapons. All of the Qadi serving in the Jewel were at one point guardsmen. This list of technique represents the training given to Guardsmen with no other affiliation.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Integrity: 5.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Lore: Law, Investigation, Spears, Swordmanship, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Longsword, shortsword, composite bow, 20 arrows, light armor, clothes, traveling pack, boots, 3 copper.
Rank 1: Trained For War
Add your Class Rank to rolls that attempt to sway your mind from your duties (this includes Fear Rolls and many Contested Social Rolls such as Intimidation or Temptation). Subtract your Class Rank from your Wound penalties. When attacking using a Class Skill, if you spend a Void Point to enhance the roll, you gain a +2k1 bonus instead of the usual +1k1 bonus.
Rank 2: Strike With Fury
You receive a +1k0 bonus to Initiative Rolls. You receive a +1k0 bonus to Attack Rolls while in the Full Attack Stance.
Rank 3: Implacable Foe
Choose any one weapon skill you possess: you receive a free Emphasis of your choice in that skill. When attacking with a melee weapon for which you possess the relevant emphasis you may make attacks as a Simple Action.
Rank 4: Instrument of the Caliph
Add twice your Class Rank to rolls that attempt to sway your mind from your duties (this includes Fear Rolls and many Contested Social Rolls such as Intimidation or Temptation). When spending Void to reduce damage any remaining wounds incurred from that strike are not applied until the Reactions Stage of the current round.
Rank 5: The Sublime Warrior
You may spend a Void Point to negate all TN penalties for one round, including Wound penalties. When spending a Void Point to increase your Armor TN or to add to your Initiative score (see the book of Earth) the benefit is increased by 5.
Free Sahir (Sahir)
While they have always been rare, the Free Sahir were exceptionally restricted during the reign of the Immortal Caliph, and had to learn where and when they could. The current Sultan’s repeal of the Immortal Caliph’s laws regarding magic has only just begun to reverse this trend. Now, any hopeful to the mysteries of magic can walk through the Doors of the Qabal Stronghold and learn from the finest minds in the Burning Sands. Still, even this is too constraining for some sahir, and loose bands of sahir bound to no oaths exist in the Jewel.
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Etiquette, Spellcraft, Lore (Theology), any two Lore Skills, any two other Skills.
- Outfit: Staff, knife, clothes, cloak, traveling pack, sandals, 5 copper
- Technique: Self-Taught Sorcerer – You receive a +1k0 bonus to your Initiative Rolls for each rank you possess in this Class. When learning magic, you do so in the same manner as a Qabal Summoner (see below). However, you may only learn or improve 2 Disciplines at each Insight Rank, rather than 3.
Path of the Free Men
The Jeweled City is teeming with millions outside of the factions that vie for control of the city. These teeming millions can represent interesting character ideas. Naturally, without a faction behind them, they gain no faction advantage, and like the Ronin of Rokugan they have little formal training to speak of. However for those adventurous GMs willing to allow players to rise up from the detritus of Medinat al-Salaam society, here are a few starting Paths that might prove useful.
Alley Thug (Path)
- Technique Rank: 1
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Skills: Brawling, Intimidation, Knives, Stealth, Underworld, any Two Skills
- Technique: Predator of the Alleys – Alley Thugs know to strike like the crocodile of the rivers, hitting hard and preventing their prey from escaping. When attempting the Knockdown Maneuver you gain +1k0 to the Attack Roll. Your penalties for fighting in poor visibility conditions and in areas of difficult terrain are halved, round down.
Scholar (Path)
- Technique Rank: 1
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Class Skills: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Storytelling, Any four Lore Skills
- Technique: A Man of Knowledge – A man of knowledge knows how to use his knowledge in any situation to support himself. You gain a Free Raise on Lore Skill Rolls. You gain a bonus equal to the number of Lore Skills you possess to all Etiquette and Storytelling Rolls.
Street Rat (Path)
- Technique Rank: 1
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Athletics, Stealth, Slight of Hand, Lore: Underworld, Any 3 Skills
- Technique: Master of the Streets – In Medinaat al-Salam, a thief lives and dies by his skills and his knowledge of his quarter of the city. You dd +1k0 to Sleight-of-Hand and Athletics Skill Rolls. Choose a quarter of Medinaat al-Salam; when in that quarter, you roll an additional +1k0 to Athletics, Stealth, and Lore: Underworld Skill Rolls.
Advanced Schools
The Heartless Khadi
Perhaps the more infamous inhabitants of the Jewel of the Desert for the last three centuries, the servants of the Immortal Caliph, were known not only for their tremendous magical power, but also for their invincibility and cruelty. While they now lurk in the sewers beneath the city rather than walking its streets as the Caliph’s enforcers, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Their hybrid of Qabalistic and senpet magic makes them formidable in any arena, as does the frightening rate at which they learn it.
Though in theory the transformation from mortal to Khadi can be performed on any intelligent creature, the traditions created by the Immortal Caliph included stringent standards about who made appropriate Khadi.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, your previous School Rank increases by one for the purposes of casting Sahir spells; if you did not have attended a Sahir School, you instead gain spells as if you were a Qabal summoner with a School level to your School Rank.
- Rings/Traits: Earth 5, Intelligence 5
- Skills: Lore: Theology (Senpet) 5, Spellcraft (Black magic) 4
- Special: Must endure the Ceremony of the Hidden Heart.
Rank 1: Heartless Moon
You gain the Khadi Advantage. You receive a Free Raise for bargaining with Djinn. You gain the Interrogation Emphasis for Investigation; if you already had these, you are refunded their experience cost. You add +1k0 to your Investigation Skill Rolls.
Rank 3: Judge of the Jewel
You gain a level of the Magic Resistance Advantage, even if this would take you above the normal limit.
Dahabi Schools
Basic Schools
Dahabi Enforcer (Warrior)
The houses of Dahab and the Qolat both find themselves in need of fighting men, and to this end they funded research into the most effective fighting techniques, culled from the retired veterans of the City Guard. After several years of careful testing in the field, the Houses settled on a curriculum of techniques they believe serves as an appropriate thug and leg-breaker for both the organization and the conspiracy.
The Dahabi Enforcers come from all of the Jewel’s social strata, from scions of the Merchant Houses looking for a respectable military record with the City Guard to beggars with the will and the wit to impress a merchant enough to pay for their schooling. They are at home in virtually any setting and always calculate the likelihood that hey can make it to an exit or chokepoint quickly, sizing up potential opponents’ grip strength and neck circumference, and noting the proximity of weapons. While other warriors might be more personally dangerous, no warrior is as prepared as a Dahabi Enforcer for combat at anytime, anywhere.
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Integrity: 2.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Lore: Law, Investigation, Spears, Swordmanship, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Longsword, knife, 20 arrows, light armor, clothes, traveling pack, boots, 5 copper.
Rank One: Moonless Night
You gain a +1k0 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls while in the Full Attack Stance. Your penalties for fighting in poor visibility conditions and in areas of difficult terrain are halved, round down.
Rank Two: Dangerous Maneuvers
You gain +1k1 bonus to all Contested Strength Rolls and +1k0 to all Damage Rolls during a grapple. Opponents suffer a -1k0 penalty to all of their Skill rolls for each ally of theirs which you have reduced to the Down or Out Wound ranks in the current skirmish. Opponents only suffer the highest dice penalty when facing multiple Dahabi Enforcers, the effect of penalties from several enforcers using this technique is not cumulative. Mindless enemies or those immune to Fear ignore this effect.
Rank Three: Show of Force
When attacking unarmed or using weapons with the Warrior keyword, you may make attacks as Simple Actions.
Rank Four: Bitter Shadows
You now gain +2k2 to all Contested Strength Rolls and +2k0 to all Damage Rolls during a grapple replacing the benefit gained at Rank 2.
Rank Five: Final Strike
Once per skirmish you may spend a Void Point in order to take a Complex Action or Simple Actions as normal while in the Center Stance. You gain the benefits of Center Stance during this round in addition to the round following the adoption Center Stance, in addition you gain +0k2 to all Damage Rolls while in the Center Stance and the round following the adoption of Center Stance.
Dahabi Bargainer (Sahir)
The use of magic by the Qolat has been a sticky point for centuries. Some members of the conspiracy, most often traditionalists who treat the Qolat’s dogma of divine noninterference as a religion all its own, oppose the use of magic, since it is widely believed that the powers of Hakkim’s Seal come from the gods (or at least the Ashalan, who are little different in the Qolat’s view). Other, more practical minds point out that the conspiracy has used the instruments of their enemies against them before, so why should they draw the line at magic?
The Houses of Dahab almost universally endorse the practice of magic, as they do almost every advantage they can possibly ley their hands upon. While it it different in the Qolat, practicing magic in the Houses carry no stigma. Most sahir in the Houses belong to House Hazaad, since that house won special dispensation from the Immortal Caliph during her moratorium on unsanctioned magic. Apart from that, no real generalization can be made about the sahir employed by the Dahab.
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Calligraphy, Commerce, Courtier, Divination, Medicine, Spellcraft, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Knife, fine clothes, traveling pack, shoes, 20 copper.
- Technique: Penetrating Words – When casting a Control spell you may spend a Void Point to add a number of hours to its Duration equal to your Rank in this Class. You receive a +1k1 bonus to Contested Rolls bargaining with Jinn for services.
Dahabi Merchant (Diplomat)
Though originally a collection of desperate merchants and conspirators, the Houses of Dahab have done great deal to improve their collaboration and cooperation since their genesis so many centuries ago. Though it was a long time before the Houses instituted a system of formalized training for new merchants, it became clear in the Houses’ early days that standardizing the education of young entrepreneurs would help them maintain a satisfactory standard of public conduct, as well as help them run their business competently.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Commece, Courtier, Sincerity (Deceit), Etiquette, Lore: Underworld, any two Skills.
- Outfit: Longsword, knife, 20 arrows, light armor, clothes, traveling pack, boots, 5 copper.
Rank 1: Master of the Subtle Flow
You receive a +2k0 bonus to all Commerce Skill Rolls. You receive a +1k0 bonus to Contested Sincerity and Temptation Skill Rolls. You may purchase the Wealthy Advantage for one point less (minimum 1). You may purchase this advantage with Experience Points during play as normal.
Rank 2: Upstanding Citizen
If an opponent declares any Raises on a Contested Commerce, Sincerity or Temptation Skill Roll initiated against you, you gain +2k0 to your roll.
Rank 3: An Eye for a Deal
When spending Void Points on non-Weapon Skill Rolls, you add your Class Rank the total of the roll. Anyone with the Greedy Disadvantage can not explode or re-roll any of their dice in Contested Social Rolls against you.
Rank 4: Silver Tongued Devil
A number of times per session equal to your Class Rank, if you have failed a Sincerity Social Skill Roll, you may re-roll it as a Commerce Social Skill Roll instead. You must take the results of the Commerce Roll. You may negate the benefit of an opponent’s Irreproachable or Clear Thinker Advantages when making a Contested Social Roll against them. When purchasing new ranks in the Wealthy advantage during play, the gain in Copper is doubled. This is cumulative with the rank 1 technique of this class.
Rank 5: Merchant King
When making an uncontested Social Skill Roll for which you call no Raises, you gain +5k0 to the roll.
Qabal Schools
Basic Schools
Qabal Agent (Diplomat)
An evolution of the Qabal’s need for secrecy during the rule of the Immortal Caliph, the Qabal’s Agents are the unsung heroes of three centuries of magical persecution. The Agents train right alongside the sahir in the Stronghold, though agents are only successful if the sahir fail to realize who they are.
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Sincerity (Deceit), Etiquette, Forgery, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, one Merchant Skill.
- Outfit: Knife, clothes, cloak, sandals traveling pack, calligraphy kit, 5 copper.
Rank 1: No One of Import
You learn a Mastery level 1 Control Spell, which you may cast with subtlety without making the usual Awareness / Stealth Roll. Your Qabal Agent Class Rank counts as ranks of the Sahir School for determining your ability to cast Control Spells. Opponents suffer a -1k0 penalty on all rolls to determine if you are lying.
Rank 2: A Good Excuse
The TN of rolls made to determine your Integrity or identity are increased by a further 10 (this is cumulative with the effects of the Bland Advantage). You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Sincerity (Deceit) Rolls.
Rank 3: Unassailable Reputation
You learn a Mastery level 1 or 2 Control Spell, which you may cast with subtlety without making the usual Awareness / Stealth Roll. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Contested Social Skill Rolls you do not initiate.
Rank 4: The Ordered Bolthole
You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Stealth Rolls. You may spend an amount of time determined by the GM (hours for a small crime scene, hours to days for a small building) to conceal evidence at a scene or to make a building more inconspicuous. Once this is done, anyone making an Investigation Roll on the scene or to identify the building or find evidence suffers a -Xk0 penalty to their Roll, where X is your Class Rank.
Rank 5: Pillar of the Community
You learn a Mastery level 1, 2 or 3 Control Spell, which you may cast with subtlety without making the usual Awareness / Stealth Roll. You learn a Mastery level 1,2 or 3 Blessing or Curses Spell, which you may cast with subtlety without making the usual Awareness / Stealth Roll. You may select spells for which you do not have the previous ranks. When an opponent is making an Investigation Skill Roll against you, you may spend a Void Point to prevent their dice from exploding
Qabal Summoner (Sahir)
So named because the discipline of Summoning magic is the most impressive and easily identified magic that the Qabal practices, the summoner is potentially the most powerful of sahir in the Burning Sands, the result of centuries of refinements in magical technique followed by centuries of persecuted heaped on the sloppy or incompetent. The tradition of the Qabal sahir stretches almost all the way back to the Ashalan and the Day of Wrath, and the impressive body of knowledge the Qabal has collected shows it. Dozens of other magical methodologies are based on Qabal techniques, including the Dahabi Bargainers and the latter initiates of the Khadi.
- Benefit: +1 to any trait
- Integrity: 2.5
- Skills: Calligraphy, Divination, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology, any three Skill.
- Outfit: Staff, Knife, clothes, traveling pack, sandals, 5 copper.
- Technique: The Crucible of Knowledge – The Summoner gains three Sahir Spells at level one, and three additional Sahir spells at each Insight Rank. At Rank one and each Class Rank thereafter, the Summoner chooses 1 type of spell (such as Jinn or Death) that they know. They function as if they possess a skill emphasis when making Spell Casting Rolls for that type of spell. Select one discipline; you gain a +1k1 bonus when casting spells of that discipline.
Assassin Schools
Basic Classes
Assassin Slayer (Ninja)
The Assassin Slayer are the most common Class in the Order of the Mountain, as Slayers carry out the Assassins’ bloody business. Each slayer is trained from all ages to view all confrontations as single combat, be it a conversation, a formalized duel, or an assassination attempt. It teaches them to focus on a single opponent, reading their every moment and determinating their weaknesses.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Acting, Athletics, Sincerity (Deceit), Stealth, Lore: Underworld, any one Weapon Skill, any one Skill
- Outfit: Fine quality robes, Kindjal or Jambiya, any one weapon, a set of clothing, traveling pack, 10 copper.
Rank 1: All Shadows Walk in the Light
You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Acting, Sincerity (Deceit), Etiquette and Stealth Rolls. You gain +1k0 on Damage Rolls against opponents unaware of your presence.
Rank 2: Rite of Assassination
At the beginning of each day, you may nominate a target as subject to your Rite of Assassination. You gain a bonus to your Armor TN equal to your Ranks in the Stealth Skill, and this bonus is doubled against the target of your Rite of Assassination while facing him in combat or in Tahaadi Duels.
Rank 3: Let Him Bleed
Attacking a lone opponent or the target of your Rite of Assassination is a Simple Action for you.
Rank 4: Blood Calls for Blood
When facing a lone opponent or the target of your Rite of Assassination, you gain a bonus to all Attack and Contested Rolls equal to your Stealth Skill, and your Raises on Attack Rolls are no longer limited in any way.
Rank 5: Swifter Than Life Itself
Once per day when ambushing an opponent, facing a lone opponent or facing the target of your Rite of Assassination, you may switch your Initiative Score with your opponent’s at the end of the Initiative Stage.
Assassin Keeper (Ninja)
The Assassin Keeper historically served as guardians of the Hidden Keep of the Assassins. They were told to disable their foes so that their sisters could then dispatch an intruder. This made them especially suited for protecting key figures in the sect, especially since even older or injured assassin could easily kill a crippled attacker.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Etiquette, Investigation (Notice), Swordmanship (Sayf-Saghir), Lore: Burning Sands, any one skills.
- Outfit: Any two weapons, bow and 30 arrows, traveling pack, robes and kufi, light armor, 3 copper.
Rank 1: The Keeper’s Courage
You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Rolls involving the Perception Trait. When inflicting Wounds to an opponent, you may ignore half of their Reduction rating (round up).
Rank 2: The Keeper’s Judgment
When attacking an opponent, you may choose to disable them rather than wound them – dealing no damage, but inflicting the Dazed Conditional Effect on them instead.
Rank 3: The Keeper’s Justice
Making an Attack which does not inflict damage (such as the Rank 2 Techniques of this Class or initiating a grapple) is a Simple Action for you. If you make an attack as a Complex action and miss your opponent you may immediately attack using the Rank 2 technique as a Free Action.
Rank 4: The Keeper’s Art
The difficulty of resisting all Conditional Effects (including gaining control in a Grapple) you inflict is raised by an amount equal to twice your Class Rank. When attacking a Dazed opponent you may make 1 Raise on your Attack Roll. If your attack is successful that opponent is Fatigued until the end of the Skirmish (multiple applications of this technique are not cumulative).
Rank 5: By the Force of Will Alone
When adopting the Full Defense Stance you may choose one opponent: they must spend two Void Points in order to declare an attack against you. When adopting the Full Attack Stance you may spend a Void Point and choose one opponent: your Attack Rolls against them ignore all bonuses to their Armor TN that they gain from Stance, Skills, Mastery Abilities, Spells, Kiho or Techniques.
Advanced Schools
Assassin Duelist
There are masters of single combat, and there are the Assassin Duelists. Specializing in the one-on-one fighting rituals of the Assassins and the ritual combat common in the Burning Sands, the Assassin duelists are some of the most impressive warriors in the Jewel. Every moment the Duelist makes allow her to attack with supple grace, and every blow the duelist lands is potentially lethal.
- Rings/Traits: Reflexes 4, Agility 4, Void 4
- Skills: Knives 5, Tahaddi 5, Defense 3
- Special: Must be a member of the Assassins or have Meditation 3.
Rank 1: The Tiger Claw Cut
You gain a +2k1 bonus to all rolls while in the Center Stance.
Rank 2: No Escape
You learn the secret rituals of the Mountain to undertake the Dance of a Thousand Knives. Once per turn while wielding a weapon in each hand, you may make the Extra Attack Maneuver for 3 Raises instead of 5. The second attack comes from your off-hand weapon, dealing weapon damage as appropriate. You may not increase your damage on either attack via Raises.
Rank 3: The Final Strike
You may spend any amount of Void to enhance Damage Rolls during a Tahaddi Duel.
Ashalan Schools
Basic Schools
Blood-Sworn (Warrior)
Created shortly after the Day of Wrath, the Blood-Sworn are dedicated to protect the Ashalan race against anything that would threaten their people, whether in the Burning Sands or abroad. They are consecrated by the Ishanti Crystal, and after this ritual they find that their senses have been sharpened and they have become truly the ideal guardians for their race.
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Integrity: 5.5
- Skills: Athletics, Battle (Skirmish), Defense, Swordmanship (Scimitar), Polearm (Khadja), Theology, any one Weapon skill.
- Outfit: Scimitar, khadja, bow and 20 arrows, any two weapons, light armor, robe, boots, traveling pack, 5 copper.
Rank 1: Blessed by the Crystal
You may pass impressions and emotions to others who possess this technique within 500’ without speech. You may also sense the position of such others within 500’ if they wish to be sensed. You add your Class Rank to the total of all Rolls to resist Fear, the Intimidation Skill, the Temptation Skill and all other effects or Skill Rolls intended to prevent you from defending your people.
Rank 2: Your Blood is My Blood
A number of times per round equal to your Class Rank, you may absorb an amount of damage up to your Stamina + Insight Rank taken by an ally within 50’, transferring those wounds to yourself.
Rank 3: Fortification in Form
You gain a special form of Reduction equal to your Earth Ring. This Reduction stacks with the Reduction gained from armor or spells, but also applies (without stacking with other sources of Reduction) to wounds taken from non-physical sources, such as magic or the Rank 2 Technique of this Class.
Rank 4: To Fight for the Future
Making an attack is a Simple Action for you.
Rank 5: One is Never Truly Alone
If you are surrounded on three or more sides by enemies, or if you are fighting with no allies within 300’ of you, your Strength increases by 5 and you also gain an additional Wound Rank at the Nicked Wound Penalty level. These benefits disappear during the Reactions Stage of the round after which these conditions no longer apply. Any wounds suffered remain however, which may result in greater wound penalties or even death.
Children of Midnight (Sahir)
More appropriately called Sons or Daughters of Midnight, they hold the odd position of providing wisdom to a race of scholars and advisors. Seen as jack-of-all-trades, they act among their people as doctors, counselors, priests and sorcerers. When Ashalan have a problem they cannot solve, their first recourse is to ask one of those priests.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Divination, Lore: History, Medicine, Meditation, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology (Lady Fate), any one Lore Skill.
- Outfit: Scimitar, khadja, robe, boots, traveling pack, 5 copper.
- Technique: Wisdom of the Stars – The Sahir learns spells as a Qabal Summoner, but begins with the Jinn Summoning Spell at level 1. The Sahir gains a Free Raise to spells from the Celestial Discipline. A number of times per day equal to their Class Rank as a Free Action they may switch this Free Raise to any other Discipline they wish, but they suffer a -1k0 penalty to Spellcasting Rolls of other Disciplines for the same duration.
Heart-Seekers (Warrior)
Heart-Seekers have dedicated their lives to fighting the khadi and those swayed by the Book of the Dead to do the khadi’s bidding. Lammassar began the tradition of the Heart-Seekers shortly after the Khadi became known to the Ashalan. Trained in investigation, stealth and ruthless efficiency, the Heart-Seeker pursues a lonely trade, as trust can kill as surely as a sorcerer’s spell.
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Integrity: 5.5
- Skills: Battle (Khadi), Defense, Investigation, Lore: Khadi 1, Spellcraft, Stealth, any one weapon Skill
- Outfit: Scimitar, khadja, bow and 100 arrow (any type), light armor, robe, boots, traveling pack, 3 copper.
Rank 1: Truth is My Ally
You gain a +2k0 bonus to all rolls involving finding something hidden or concealed, and against effects (mundane or magical) which would alter or mislead your perceptions.
Rank 2: Diligence is the Best Teacher
You gain a Free Raise to all Perception or Awareness based rolls.
Rank 3: One Mind, One Action
You gain a bonus equal to 2 x your Rank in this Class to your Armor TN. When targeted by a spell, you may make an Intelligence / Spellcraft Roll vs. a TN equal to the Spellcasting Roll to avoid the spells’ effects. If sufficient cover is available, you may instead make the roll using Agility / Stealth (Sneaking) to hide from the effect.
Rank 4: Bane of the Heartless
Making an attack with an Ashalan Weapon is a Simple Action for you. You may make a special attack requiring 3 Raises; in addition to the normal damage from this attack, your opponent must succeed at a Void Roll vs. a TN of 5 x your Insight Rank or suffer a +30 TN penalty to all Skill or Spellcasting Rolls and have their Water Ring reduced by your Rank in this Class (to a minimum of 1) for a number of rounds equal to your Rank in this Class.
Rank 5: My Will is My Fortress
All Spells, Skills or other effect (such as Fear) that would affect your mind have their TN increased by 5 x your Insight Rank, or you gain a bonus of the same size to resist the effect as the GM determines is appropriate. If you ever find a Khadi’s heart, you are utterly unaffected by that Khadi’s magic while you hold it.
Sun-Riders (Diplomat)
The Sun-Riders are the explorers and wanderers of the Ashalan, as well as the best guides in the Burning Sands. While some are among those banished from the City of the Seventh Star for their conduct, most go abroad out of simple curiosity or wanderlust. The Sun-Riders have seen the worst of what the desert offers and survived it, making them valuable to any caravan that passes through the Jewel of the Desert.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting (Survival), Stealth (Sneaking), Swordmanship (Scimitar), Craft: Traps
- Outfit: Scimitar, riding horse or camel, bow and 20 arrow (any type), tent, robe, boots, traveling pack, 8 copper.
Rank 1: Show the Lady no Fear
Your TN penalty for being in bright sunlight is reduced by your Sun-Rider School Rank, but you also lose your Shadow Cloak ability.
Rank 2: The Sun has No Mercy
You gain the ability to spend Void Points, but only on Sun-Rider related abilities. You may spend a Void Point to force all opponents within 15′ to spend an additional Void Point to use any Technique, Spell, Kio or Kata. Additionally, you gain +1k0 to your attack and Iaijutsu rolls.
Rank 3: Dawn does not Come Twice
You add your Athletics to your Armor TN. You may spend a Void Point to add +2k0 to your attack and damage rolls against a single target with lower Initiative for one round.
Rank 4: The Ever-Shifting Sands
You gain +1k0 to all Athletics and Stealth skill rolls. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action.
Rank 5: Sirocco of Steel
When attacking an opponent, you may make an Agility/Athletics SKill Roll against your opponent’s Armor TN. If you succeed, you may make the Extra Attack maneuver for only two Raises.
Alternate Paths
Ashalan Sandsmith
From the time of the Day of Wrath, the Ashalan have worked with the sand of the deserts, applying powerful magic and sacred rituals to replicate the crystal formed by Shilah’s insane strikes against the desert and the jinn who would have destroyed her.
- Replaces: Any Ashalan 4
- Requirements: None
- Technique: A Friend of the Sands – You may create crysteel weapons from sand and fire, using a complex ritual that requires at least 1 month of work per weapon. A similar ritual can be applied to crystal that has been crafted by other methods to transform it into crysteel.
At the GM’s discretion, Ranks in Warrior and Diplomat classes may count as Ranks in other Classes or Schools which perform magic, where the Ashalan has had a chance to study said magic. Sahir of this variety should be ancient and high Insight Rank and therefore are usually not suitable as PC’s. Most PCs taking Ashalan Classes are expected to be dominated humans who have been inducted into the Ashalan to protect and serve the diminished race. Given the powerful classes of the Ashalan, even these should be rare
Ra’Shari Schools
Basic Schools
Ra’Shari Knife-Fighter (Warrior)
Despite the best efforts of the more diplomatic members of the Great Caravan, the Ra’Shari are not welcome everywhere they go. It became clear early in their wanderings that the Ra’Shari would need to be able to protect themselves. A brilliant nomad named Stevo discovered that the same economy of motion practiced by dancing could be employed by agile warriors seeking to avoid their opponent’s weapons.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 3.5
- Skills: Temptation, Defense, Divination, Knives, Perform (Dancing), Tahaddi, any one Skill
- Outfit: Knife, staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, traveling pack, 5 copper.
Rank 1: The Endless Dance
You gain a bonus to your Armor TN equal to your Perform (Dance) Skill when not in heavy armor or similarly encumbered (GM’s discretion). You gain a +1k0 bonus on Initiative Rolls.
Rank 2: Flashing Talons
You may throw knives accurately (without TN penalty) up to 60’. You gain a +1k0 bonus to Damage Rolls with bladed weapons.
Rank 3: Through the Cracks
If fighting unarmed or wielding only knives, the Extra Attack maneuver only costs 3 Raises. You gain a further +1k0 bonus to Initiative Rolls (+2k0 in total).
Rank 4: Two Knives, Two Wounds
Making attacks with a knife or an unarmed strike is a Simple Action for you.
Rank 5: Strike to Slay
When attacking with a knife or unarmed strike, you may spend a Void Point to add +1K1 to the Damage Roll. You gain a further +1k0 bonus to Initiative Rolls (+3k0 in total).
Ra’Shari Trader (Diplomat)
Commerce is life to the Ra’Shari, since their nomadic lifestyle makes trading a good way to make money in the burning sands. The Great Caravan of Commerce has mastered the art of the traveling salesman, bringing to people what they need and what they want. While the techniques of the Ra’Shari Trader existed long before the splitting of the Great Caravans, they have been perfected since.
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Integrity: 2.5
- Skills: Temptation, Commerce, Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: Underworld, any two Skills
- Outfit: Staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, cart, scales traveling pack, 10 copper.
Rank 1: Opening Offer
You gain a +1k0 bonus to Sincerity, Temptation and Commerce Rolls. You may make a Contested Temptation (Bribery)/Awareness against an opponent’s Etiquette/ Awareness in order to determine a single material item the subject wants . When buying from another Ra’Shari Caravan, you only need pay 75% of the normal price.
Rank 2: Acquiring the Goods
You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Courtier, Etiquette and Lore: Underworld Rolls.
Rank 3: Making the Deal
You receive a further +1k0 bonus to Sincerity, Temptation and Commerce Rolls (+2k0 in total). If you satisfy an NPC’s material wants, you may halve the XP cost of purchasing them as an Ally (GM’s discretion).
Rank 4: Expediency is Important
You gain a further +1k0 bonus to all Courtier Etiquette, and Lore Underworld Rolls (+2k0 in total). When waiting for goods to be shipped to you, you only wait 75% of the time.
Rank 5: The Perfect Supplier
You receive a further +1k0 bonus to Sincerity, Temptation and Commerce Rolls (+3k0 in total). If you spend 20 minutes in conversation with someone and succeed at a Contested Temptation (Seduction) Roll vs. the Target’s Awareness / Courtier, you may learn all of the Target’s material desires. If you know a target’s material desires you can make a Contested Commerce/Awareness Roll against their Etiquette/Willpower to convince them that you can satisfy their material wants at a reasonable price and promise to deliver those goods at a specified time. If you do so you may gain them as an Ally at no cost until the promised goods arrive at the specified time (assuming the goods arrive at all). The GM is the arbiter of what constitutes a reasonable delivery time. Misuse of this technique has given the Rashari the reputation that they have today, wise traders would do well to leave friends behind rather than disappointed enemies.
Ra’Shari Diviner (Sahir)
A long time ago, the Ra’Shari were the chosen people of Vishnu, and called upon the tripartite blessings of Provider, Preserver and Pervader. Today however this connection is long gone. Ra’Shari magic still comes in three parts, but their new aspects reflect their long duty in the Burning Sands.
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Temptation, Divination, Medicine (Herbalism), Spellcraft, Lore: Theology, any one Perform Skill, any one Skill
- Outfit: Knife, staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, traveling pack, 5 copper.
- Technique: The Whispers of the Song – You learn six Cokaloi, plus three additional Cokaloi at each additional level. You may purchase spells as normal. You may add your divination skill to the result of all Lore skills Rolls.
Senpet Schools
Basic Schools
Senpet Legionnaire (Warrior)
Before the Yodotai invasion, the Senpet Empire boasted of a highly and trained loyal army that numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Those warriors could fight in any situation, regardless of whether they were in the middle of the desert or in the mountains of the Yobanjin. The Senpet legionnaire was the paragon of skilled ruthlessness.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Battle, Defense, Hunting (Survival), Swordmanship, Lore: Theology 2, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Khopesh, shamsir, chain shirt, sandals, tunic, traveling pack, any one weapon, 5 copper.
Rank 1: Divine Insight
You add your Lore: Theology skill to the benefit gained from assuming the Center Stance and to your Armor TN while in the Center Stance. You gain +1k1 to all Hunting (Survival) Rolls in the desert.
Rank 2: Divine Strength
You may spend one Void Point to roll an additional +1k1 damage with any weapon.
Rank 3: Divine Retribution
You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action while using weapons with the Senpet keyword.
Rank 4: The Gods Protect Me
When assuming the Center Stance you may spend a Void Point to gain +20 to your Armor TN. This effect ends at the start of the Reactions Stage during which it was activated and thus does not apply during the Strike Stage of a duel.
Rank 5: The Gods Guide my Hand
Once per skirmish you may spend a Void Point to gain +4k1 to Attack Rolls for one round.
Senpet Charioteer (Warrior)
The Senpet military has many advantages over its opponents that are nearly unique to this nation. Among them is the chariot, a marvelous technology that is feared by all enemies who must march against it. It is a two-wheeled cart that is drawn by one or two horses. Those who fight on a chariot are often skilled spearmen or archers.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Archery, Battle, Horsemanship (Chariot), Swordmanship, Lore: Theology, any two Skills.
- Outfit: Khopesh, composite bow, chain shirt, sandals, tunic, chariot, horse, traveling pack, any 20 arrows, 5 copper.
Rank 1: Ride Into Battle
When spending Void to increase your Armour TN you gain an additional bonus equal to your Lore: Theology Skill Ranks. While mounted on a chariot you gain a bonus of +1k0 to your Initiative Rolls.
Rank 2: Swift Volley
If you take 2 Simple Actions to move your full movement in a round while mounted on a chariot or in the Full Attack Stance, enemies in the Full Attack Stance cannot attack you, and spells cast against you suffer a +5 TN penalty to their Spellcasting Roll.
Rank 3: Speed is my Armor
While mounted on a chariot or in the Full Attack Stance you may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.
Rank 4: Ruthless Advance
While mounted on a chariot or in the Full Attack Stance you may spend a Void Point to gain +3k0 to all Attack Rolls you make until the next Reactions Stage.
Rank 5: Deadly Strike
Once per skirmish, while mounted on a chariot or while assuming the Full Attack Stance, you may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to roll additional damage dice equal to your Lore: Theology Skill on all Damage Rolls until the Reactions Stage at the end of the round.
Senpet Sahir (Sahir)
The Senpet Sahir is one of the most impressive forces of magic in the Burning Sands. They have mastered the art of summoning jinn to their cause. They were the first to learn about ghul, khadi, and the darker aspects of magic. They have successfully integrated magic into the Senpet military. All in all, the Senpet Sahir is a person to be feared.
- Benefit: +1 to any Trait
- Integrity: 3.5
- Skills: Defense, Medicine, Meditation, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology (Ten Thousand Gods) 2, any High or Bugei skill
- Outfit: Sandals, tunic, traveling pack, 5 copper.
- Technique: By the Grace of the Gods – At character creation, you choose a Discipline and gain a +1k1 bonus to all Spellcasting Rolls for that Discipline. You learn the Sahir spell Jinn Summoning 1, the first level of power of any Spell of your chosen Discipline, and the two following spells. You learn two additional spells at each level. Once per day per School Rank, you may spend a number of Void Points equal to your Lore: Theology Skill Rank on a Spellcasting Roll.
Sacrifice fo the Gods
- Ring/Mastery: Earth 1
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: One target corpse.
- Duration: Concentration + 1 minute.
- Raises: Special (Permanent for 2 Raises)
While there are other ways to create ghuls, it is the most reliable means known for the Senpet. You must personally kill a human to activate this spell, then concentrate for 10 rounds. After this, the corpse animates as a ghul and follows your every order.
Voice of the Ten Thousand
- Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: One person.
- Duration: 1 minute.
- Raises: None.
The caster infuses the target with the authority of the Senpet gods, allowing him to be heard by everyone nearby. For the duration of the spell, the target’s voice can be heard by everyone within a hundred feet.
Advanced Schools
Avatar of the Ten Thousand (Warrior)
The Avatar of Ten Thousand dis part of a special unit inside the Senpet armies. He is not subject to the command of the senpet generals. Instead, they are a unit of the Senpet priesthood and follow the instruction of the gods into battle. They are blessed by divine strength and divine fortune as they fight for the Ten Thousand. Soldiers that fight alongside the Avatars are cheered, knowing the gods truly stand with them.
- Rings/Traits: Void 4
- Skills: Lore: Theology 6
Rank 1: Might of the Ten Thousand
You may spend a Void Point at the beginning of combat. If you do, you and your allies gain a Free Raise to all attack rolls, and your allies gain one additional Void Point, for the duration of the skirmish.
Rank 2: Power of the Devout
You may pray to the Gods as a Complex Action. If you do, you and your allies within 30′ add twice your Theology Skill Rank to their initiative roll, and you may make melee attacks as Simple Actions for a number of rounds equal to your Theology Skill Rank.
Rank 3: We Carry the Gods
When using the Rank 1 technique, each ally gains two Void Points instead of one, and you and your allies add your Theology Skill Rank to all damage rolls during the skirmish.
Alternate Paths
Ghul Destroyer
While the Ghul hunters are capable of handling most undead invasions, there are occasions where the monster is too deadly for conventional means of destruction. The Ghul Destroyer is a sahir that can bring forth the wrath of the Gods upon the abominations.
- Replaces: Senpet Sahir 3
- Requirements: None
- Technique: Holy Devastation – Whenever you cast a spell that damages, impedes or destroys an undead creature, you gain a number of Free Raises equal to your School Rank.
Ghul Destroyer
The Senpet religion strikes everyone who does not know it intimately as bloody and cruel. Those who practice the worship of the Ten Thousand Gods do not disagree: they simply know it is necessary to maintain the strength of the Empire. One of the unfortunate side effects of those religious ceremonies is that they occasionally release undead monsters into the world. Over the course of the years the Senpet have created and refined the techniques used to destroy those creatures quickly and efficiently.
- Replaces: Any Senpet Warrior 3
- Requirements: None
- Technique: Holy Strike – You gain a +3k1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls against undead creatures. Additionally, you gain a Free Raise to any Hunting Skill Rolls made for the purpose of finding the undead.
Yodotai Schools
Basic Schools
Yodotai Legionnaire (Warrior)
The Legionnaire serves as the foundation of Yodotai armies and is by far the most common type of Yodotai Warrior. He trains from childhood to become a soldier who will prove worthy of fighting alongside legends. The training procedure prepares the Legionnaire for all situation and drills the maneuvers into his head. The Legionnaires instinctively know how to react to every military situation and do not falter in the face of the greatest of terrors.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Battle, Defense, Horsemanship, Lore: Yodotai History, Spears (Pilum), Swordmanship, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Lorica segmenta, gladius, shield, 2 pila, sandals, tunic, toga, travel pack, 5 copper.
Rank 1: Tortoise Formation
You do not receive penalties to your Attack Rolls as a result of carrying any type of Yodotai shield. You receive a bonus to your Armor TN equal to your Insight Rank while using a scutum in the Full Defense Stance. As a Free Action you may spend a Void Point to grant this bonus to all allies using scutum in the Full Defense Stance within 10’ for a number of rounds equal to your Class Rank.
Rank 2: In Close Quarters
In any round in which you switch from the Full Defense Stance to the Full Attack Stance you gain +1k0 to your Attack Rolls. As a Free Action you may spend a Void Point to grant this bonus to allies within 10’ wielding a gladius who have changed from the Full Defense Stance to the Full Attack Stance this round.
Rank 3: Deadly Strike
You may make attacks with Yodotai and Warrior weapons as a Simple Action.
Rank 4: Wedge Formation
While you are in the Attack Stance you gain Reduction equal to your Class Rank. If you make an attack as a Complex Action against an opponent in the Full Defense Stance you may ignore the benefit to their Armor TN from Full Defense, instead calculating their Armor TN as if they were in the Attack Stance.
Rank 5: With My Brothers
You no longer need to spend Void to grant the benefits of your Rank 1 and 2 Class Techniques to your allies and the range of the benefit is extended to 30’. All allies wielding Yodotai weapons within 30’ also add +1k0 to their Damage Rolls. This bonus is not cumulative with additional rank 5 Legionnaires present within the same radius.
Yodotai Mercenary (Warrior)
The Mercenary serves in foreign armies and fights alongside their warriors. While performing his best for those who hire him, he learns more about each society. Once a Mercenary believes he has a firm grasp on target nation’s culture and character, he returns to the Yodotai main armies and shares this knowledge with his people. Thanks to the Yodotai Mercenary, the Yodotai rarely face a completely different enemies.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Integrity: 3.5
- Skills: Intimidation, Defense, Etiquette, Spears (Pilum), Swordmanship, Sincerity, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Yodotai chain shirt, gladius, pugio, 2 pila, parma sandals, tunic, toga, travel pack, 5 copper
Rank 1: Importance of Speed
You reduce the TN penalties associated with carrying a shield by an amount equal to your Class Rank. You may move as if your Water Ring was 1 Rank higher.
Rank 2: Stranger in a Foreign Land
You gain a +1k0 to Battle, Intimidation and Courtier Rolls. If you pose a hypothetical scenario to an opponent after 5 minutes of conversation you may make a Contested Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness Roll against them to determine what tactics they might use to solve such a situation.
Rank 3: Unfriendly Glare
You may make attacks with Warrior and Yodotai weapons as a Simple Action.
Rank 4: Combat Diplomacy
You may make a Contested Battle / Perception Roll against an opponent’s Sincerity / Awareness as a Simple Action to determine one of their Advantages or Disadvantages. You may spend a Void Point on first meeting someone to gain a Free Raise on any rolls to gain their favor or make a good impression for the next 24 hours.
Rank 5: Hoplon Bash
You may use your shield to perform an attack as a Complex Action while in the Full Defense Stance. Roll your Agility/Brawling (Shield Bash) against a target’s Armor TN, if successful you inflict damage with your shield as a 1k2 melee weapon. The target of a successful shield bash is also subject to a Knockdown Maneuver and must roll to resist Knockdown as normal.
Advanced Schools
Yodotai Berserker (Warrior)
The Yodotai Berserker throws himself into the thik of battle with little regard for danger. He can do this because of his absolute faith in his comrades and ancestors. He knows that if he performs well in combat, the greatest heroes of the Yodotai will praise his actions and come to his head. Despite the name, the Berserker does not lose control of himself in battle. This does not make him any less deadly than a berserker who gives in to animal instinct, however.
- Rings/Traits: Earth 4, Fire 4
- Skills: Battle 5, Two weapon skills at 5
Rank 1: Deadly Strike
While in the Full Attack Stance you gain +2k0 to all Damage Rolls with a Yodotai weapon. You may make an attack as a Complex Action in order to Daze your opponent in addition to any normal damage.
Rank 2: Aura of Power
While in the Full Attack Stance all allies within 30’ gain +1k0 to Damage Rolls with a Yodotai weapon. The benefit of multiple Berserkers within 30’ applying this Technique is not cumulative. While in the Full Attack Stance you gain Reduction equal to your Berserker Class Rank.
Rank 3: Killing Blow
While in the Full Attack Stance you may spend a Void Point to gain +5k0 to all Damage Rolls for one round.
Ebonite Schools
Basic Schools
Ebonite Templars (Warrior)
The Templars are the basic soldiers of the Order of the Ebon Hand. The order is not particularly large, so its leaders make certain that every warrior among their ranks is well-trained and prepared to face almost any challenge that might present itself. The basic Templar has had several years of training and passed the Test of the Ebon Stone.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Integrity: 5.5
- Skills: Defense, Investigation, Lore: Law, Lore: Theology, Swordmanship, any one Lore Skill, any one Skill.
- Outfit: Sturdy clothing, traveling pack, ebonite armor, ebonite longsword, knife, 10 copper.
Rank 1: Tapping the Inner Strength
When facing an opponent with lower Integrity you roll an additional +1k0 on all Attack, Damage and Social Skill Rolls.
Rank 2: By Thy Will
During the Reactions Stage at the end of the round you may spend a Void Point to increase your Initiative score as if it was the beginning of the round. This increase lasts until the end of the skirmish.
Rank 3: The Ebon Hand
You may make attacks as a Simple Action when using weapons with the Warrior or Ebonite Keywords.
Rank 4: By Word Or By Sword
You may spend a Void Point to gain additional rolled dice equal to your half your Integrity (round down) on a single Social Skill Roll.
Rank 5: Will of the Stone
You may spend a Void Point to ignore all wound penalties (including Down and Out) for the remainder of the skirmish.
Alternate Paths
Ebonite Principle
The Principles are the highest ranked members of the Order. They are its officers, leaders and high priests. Each has surrendered part of their own spirit, replacing it with the strength and the power of the Ebon Stone. In doing so, they become something slightly more than human, and steel their soul against manipulation from even the darkest forces.
- Replaces: Ebonite Templar 6
- Requirements: Integrity 6.0+, Great Destiny
- Technique: Soul of the Ebon Stone – You are immune to the Shadowlands Taint and corruption of the Lying Darkness.
Master of the Wolves
Wolves hold a special significance for the Order. Like the order, wolves work together to achieve goals. They are tenacious foes, hounding their enemies. As a result, in each generation templars are trained as the Master of the Wolves, a prestigious position within the order responsible for training and caring for the wolves that the Order keeps.
- Replaces: Ebonite Templar 2
- Requirements: Animal Handling 5
- Technique: Brothers of Fang and Blade – When fighting alongside your pack of wolves you may spend Void Points to augment their Attack Rolls. If one of your wolves dies you immediately suffer 5 Wounds that cannot be prevented or reduced in any way.
Jackal Schools
Basic Schools
Jani (Warrior)
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 1.5
- Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Knives, Lore: Jackal, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Lore: Underworld (Medinaat al-Salaam)
- Outfit: Dagger, light armor, robe or street clothes, boots or sandals, 1 copper.
Jani are the Jackals’ rank-and-file operatives, and the stealthy toughs who know how to wield a blade and cut a purse, and move unnoticed through the streets. They also learn a bit of acting and something of the art of disguise. The Jani spend a great deal of time above ground and in the streets, serving as the Jackal’s eys and ears.
Rank 1: Quicker Than the Eye
You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Initiative Rolls. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Stealth Skill Rolls.
Rank 2: What the Eye Sees, What the Ear Hears
You gain an additional +1k0 to all Skill Rolls using Perception. When performing the Feint Maneuver using the Knives, Staves or Assassin Ranged Weapons Skills, you add +1k0 to your Attack and Damage Rolls.
Rank 3: Strike Quickly, Strike True
You gain a further +1k0 bonus to Initiative Rolls, Stealth Skill Rolls, and Perception based Rolls (+2k0 total). You gain a Free Raise when using the Disguise Emphasis of the Acting Skill.
Rank 4: Seen and Not Noticed
Making Attacks with the Knives, Staves or Assassin Ranged Weapons Skills is a Simple Action for you.
Rank 5: Blinding Speed
When attacking with the Knives, Staves or Assassin Ranged Weapons Skills you may make the Extra Attack Maneuver for only 3 Raises.
Necromancer (Sahir)
The practice of magic has never been a strong suite of the Jackals. However, they do possess dark and powerful knowledge of how to manipulate life and death that is unmatched by anyone except the Qabal. Only a few Jackals possess the will and the talent to become Necromancers. However, they are so focused that their spell mastery may as well be described as School Techniques rather than a list of spells available.
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Integrity: 0.5
- Skills: Lore: Anatomy, Knives, Lore: Jackal, Lore: Undead, Medicine, Craft: Poison, Staves
- Outfit: Knife, staff, robe and sandals, traveling pack, 2 copper.
Rank 1: Initiate of Undeath
You may use the Soul of the Slayer to create Soul Jars. You gain three Mastery Levels of Spells from the Ghul Creation or Death Disciplines. You may cast each spell a number of times per day equal to your Earth Ring.
Rank 2: Master of Undeath and Death
You gain +2k0 on all Contested Rolls involving Willpower. You gain an additional 2 Mastery Levels from Ghul Creation or Death.
Rank 3: Creator of Undeath
You gain +1k0 to Intimidation, Deceit, and Sincerity Rolls and an additional 1 Mastery Level spell from Ghul Creation or Death.
Rank 4: Leader of Undead
When using Ghul Creation 1, you may make Raises to target additional Undead within range, at a rate of one extra target per Raise called. All Undead under your control gain a +1k0 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls.
Rank 5: Agent of Death
All Undead created by the Necromancer will do your bidding until dismissed or another Necromancer steals control. Non-necromancers may not take control of your Undead.
Kabir (Diplomat)
It is easy to think the jackals’ activities amount to more than blades flashing in dark alleys and obscene meddling with ghuls. BUt in fact someone has to represent the cult in situations where diplomacy is the order of the day, rather than terror and mayhem. The Kabir are the Jackals’ masters of subtlety and finesse. When the cult needs to represent itself to other factions, or even to the lesser criminal gangs of Medinaat al-Salaam, the Kabir take on that duty.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Integrity: 2.5
- Skills: Courtier, Sincerity (Deceit), knives, Medicine, Craft: Poison, Sleight of Hand, Lore: Underworld (Burning Sands)
- Outfit: Knife, apothecary kit, clothes, shoes, traveling pack, 2 copper.
Rank 1: Rotting the Foundation
When spending a Void Point to enhance a Low Skill, you gain a +2k2 bonus to the Roll rather than the usual +1k1.
Rank 2: A Honeyed Tongue
You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Etiquette, Storytelling, Courtier and Deceit Rolls.
Rank 3: Killing with Subtlety
You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Poison and Sleight of Hand Rolls. You gain the Herbalism Emphasis of the Medicine Skill for free. If you already have this Emphasis, you gain 2 Experience Points.
Rank 4: Tearing Out the Foundation
You gain a +2k0 bonus to Stealth and Forgery Skill Rolls. You gain 1 Free Raise to any Skill Roll to destroy, disguise or otherwise alter a physical object.
Rank 5: Jackal Ambassador
You gain an additional +1k0 bonus to all Etiquette, Storytelling, Courtier and Deceit Rolls (for a total of +2k0). You may purchase the Perceived Honor Advantage for 1 less Experience Point per Rank. You receive a one-time gain of Experience Points equal to the Ranks of the Perceived Honor Advantage you had (if any) when you learned this Technique.
Yobanjin Schools
The culture and society of the Unbowed People is too diverse and too fungible to support the development and retention of warrior Schools in the manner of Rokugani martial traditions. However, basic fighting methods have propagated throughout the Yobanjin lands, and these may be represented by a Rank One Path, as shown below. GMs who wish to add more depth to the Yobanjin may opt to create tribe-specific Rank Two or Rank Three Techniques for the older and more powerful Yobanjin tribes for example, the Tribe of the Sky might have a Technique based on riding its giant hawks into battle
The shamans are another matter, for the traditions of the Yobanjin religion have been preserved across all of the tribes for a thousand years and more. Thus, the shamans can legitimately be represented in game mechanics by the equivalent of a School.
The “Integrity Rank” of the Yobanjin Path and School depicted below represents their adherence to their culture’s Rujia philosophy (see page 74) rather than Rokugan’s code of Bushido. Mechanically, it may be used in the same manner as Honor (including “Integrity Rolls” if the GM is allowing the optional Honor Roll rule).
Basic Schools
Yobanjin Warrior (Warrior)
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Athletics, Crossbow, Lore: theology (yobanjin), Swordsmanship (ring-sword), any two skills.
- Outfit: Yobanjin clothing, light armor, ring-sword, crossbow, leather satchel.
Technique: Strength of the unbowed
The Yobanjin focus their training on the preferred weapons of their people and on the strength found in their Rujia philosophy. You gain a +1k0 bonus to your Swordsmanship and Crossbow Skill rolls. Once per skirmish, you may add your “Integrity” Rank to the total of either a Skill roll or a Damage roll with a ring-sword or a crossbow.
Yobanjin Shaman (Shugenja)
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Integrity: 4.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Knives, Lore: theology (yobanjin), Swordsmanship (ring-sword), any one skills.
- Outfit: Yobanjin clothing, Knife, leather satchel.
Technique: Spirits of the Mountain
Yobanjin shamans are able to cast Elemental spells without scrolls, but can only cast spells of Mastery Rank 1, 2, or 3. (At the GM’s option, spells which are specific to Rokugani culture may be excluded.) Once per year, a shaman may summon a wyrm and bind it to an amulet.