
The specific techniques of the Diviners are referred to as Cokaloi, or “bones”, in their language, because of the deep, fundamental need for each of these types of magic. Without them, a Ra’Shari would be as a man without bones. A diviner may not learn Cokaloi with a mastery rank higher than his Insight Rank.

The Cokaloi of Dawn

Dawn magic governs fate, and how the ebb and flow of random fortune can affect a person’s performance in a task. These are many : there are two for each Skill, a blessing and a curse. They are simple to perform. The Diviner need only exhort those he wishes to bless, or condemn those he needs to curse. Dawn Cokaloi need not be learned in order, a Diviner may know the First Blessing of Athletics and the Third Blessing of Medicine without knowing the First and Second Blessing of Medicine.

The First Blessing

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

The First Blessing Cokaloi permit those who might fail at a task a second chance to succeed. Until the sun sets or rises next, the target may reroll any 1 die on a roll of the Skill designated in the Blessing’s name.

The First Curse

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

The First Curse Cokaloi interferes with another’s ability to perform tasks. Until the sun sets or rises next, the target must reroll the highest die on a roll of the Skill designated in the Curse’s name.

The Second Blessing

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 2
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the first, except that it permits the rerolling of up to 2 dice.

The Second Curse

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 2
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the first, except that it forces the rerolling of up to 2 dice.

The Third Blessing

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 3
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the first, except that it permits the rerolling of up to 3 dice.

The Third Curse

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 3
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the first, except that it forces the rerolling of up to 3 dice.

The Fourth Blessing

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 4
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the third, but the target may change one of their dice to an unexploded 10.

The Fourth Curse

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 4
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the third, but the target must change one of their dice to a 1.

The Fifth Blessing

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 5
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the third, but the target may change two of their dice to an unexploded 10.

The Fifth Curse

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 5
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One day or night.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokaloi is effectively the same as the third, but the target must change two of their dice to a 1.

The Cokaloi of Dusk

This magic governs the whims of the mortal mind, and is capable of adjusting a mind’s thought and perception easily. This magic was vital for the Ra’Shari to learn, as it has delivered them from upset buyers and angry mobs countless times. Dusk Cokaloi may only be cast upon being with which the Diviner may make vocal or eye contact.

I am not Him

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: Self or touched person.
  • Duration: 5 minutes or 1 hour.
  • Raises: None.

Disguises can be sometimes hard to don effectively and nearly impossible if being watched. The target of this spell either cannot suffer penalties to his Acting skill Rolls for a period of 1 hour, or gains a bonus of +5 to the same rolls for a period of 5 minutes.

A Good Friend

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos bypasses the suspension that normally lurks in a person’s mind. Even the deeply cynical and jaded will be open to the possibility that the Diviner is a fundamentally good person with useful things to say. Absurd situations end this effect prematurely.


  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: Two persons or creatures
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises: Area of Effect (+2 targets per Raise).

With a pleasant smile and a word of reassurance, the Diviner reminds one or more onlookers that everything is alright and nothing is amiss. Casting this spell allows you to make an Awareness roll (based on Courtier or Animal Handling, depending on what you are targeting) to alter a being’s attitude towards you in a positive direction.

Business as Usual

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: 25′ radius
  • Area of Effect: All persons within range.
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises:None.

This spell functions as Propriety, but affects everyone around the user. It allows to make the same roll as Propriety, with four Free Raises.

I am not Here

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: 25′ radius
  • Area of Effect: All persons within range.
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises: None.

Sometimes a Diviner would like to disappear magically. This Cokalos increases the TN of all Skill Rolls to spot you by twice the number of people within the area of effect.

Instant Expert

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: Any 1 person.
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises: None.

With this Cokalos, the Diviner appears to be an expert on any topic someone wishes to converse about. Those listening to the Diviner assume he is a sage and are astonished he has an action for any question they raise. Casting this spell grants you a bonus equal to twice your Insight Rank to the total of any Social Skill Roll involving persuading another person of your expertise.

Above Reproach

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: n/a’
  • Area of Effect: Any 1 encampment or large building.
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos is the reason why the wagons of Ra’Shari encampments are never searched when a thing or person goes missing. When used on an area containing no more than a hundred persons, this place becomes above reproach. The Diviner may concentrate on the spell spending a Simple Action every turn to maintain the illusion, if he does so the illusion is perfect and cannot be broached short of magical means. Otherwise anyone searching for suspicious behaviour or the like who views the area may still become suspicious if they succeed at a roll using their Willpower / Insight Rank (keeping willpower) vs. a TN of the Diviner’s Spellcasting Roll to create this effect

Hiding from the Sun

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: Self.
  • Area of Effect: Personal.
  • Duration: Concentration.
  • Raises: None.

Once the Diviner is out of the direct glare of the sun, he can effectively disappear. Any Investigation Skill Roll to find you suffers a +40 TN Penalty.

A Potential Ally

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: Self.
  • Area of Effect: Personal.
  • Duration: 5 minutes.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos permits the Diviner to appear extremely trustworthy and capable. People who collect Allies will almost certainly seek him up, and those who see him in trouble will be more motivated to assist him. You gain an additional experience point from Obligations earned this way, and Allies you obtain this way cost an experience point less to obtain.

I am Someone Else

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 4
  • Range: Self.
  • Area of Effect: Personal.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos permits the Diviner to appear as an entirely different person, as long as the final image settles on something humanoid (an Ashalan or Naga is reasonable). This illusion adjusts on what happens to the caster, but does not hold on to tactile inspection. It also covers the Diviner’s voice if he so desires.

This is Reasonable

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 4
  • Range: Self.
  • Area of Effect: Personal.
  • Duration: Five minutes
  • Raises: None.

Th Cokalos allows the Diviner to say anything at all. To those listening, it seems that what he sais is reasonable, correct and inform. It cannot convince anyone to enter obvious danger, but careful wordings can work around the self-preservation instincts of most beings. Those hearing the Diviner may avoid this effect if they succeed at a roll using their Willpower / Insight Rank (keeping willpower) vs. a TN of the Diviner’s Spellcasting Roll to create this effect.

For All of Us

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 5
  • Range: Special
  • Area of Effect: Special
  • Duration: Special.
  • Raises: None.

This is not so much one Cokalos as eleven, all refinements of lower-level Dusk Cokaloi. When invoked, it becomes any of the lower-level Dusk Cokaloi with the Area of Effect changed to “Up to 100 willing targets”.

Your Heart is in my Hands

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 5
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One person or creature.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

The culmination of the Dusk Cokaloi, this power can ruin lives. You can fill the target with any emotion he has experienced before, and can direct the reason and outlet for these emotions. The target suffers the effects of a single Advantage or Disadvantage applicable to the emotion implanted. The target may avoid this effect if they succeed at a roll using their Willpower / Insight Rank (keeping willpower) vs. a TN of the Diviner’s Spellcasting Roll to create this effect.

The Cokaloi of Night

The most secretive of Ra’Shari magics, the Cokaloi of Night are rarely seen by outsiders, since they are almost always cast within the confines of a Ra’Shari encampment. Night Magic is the magic of life and rest, promoting healing just as if a body slumbered peacefully. Night is also the time of roosting, where all beings, not just humans, return home and prepare for the next day. These Cokaloi can only target one person at a time.

The First Purity

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 1
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: 50 pounds of food or 10 gallons of water
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos ensures that most food the Ra’Shari eat is free from poison, disease and mold. Any nonmagical disease or poison already present in the food is negated.

The First Wholeness

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 1
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target person
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos complements an attempt to heal Wounds using the Medicine Skill. If the Medicine healing attempt succeeds, you gain a +1k1 bonus when determining how many Wounds you heal.

The Second Purity

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 2
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target person
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

When using the Medicine Skill to treat a victim of poison or disease, you receive 4 Free Raises for the purpose of identifying it.

Tame Beast

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 2
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target creature
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos convinces any beast that working with the Diviner is superior to resisting him. Any animal targeted by this power is considered tame for uses of the Animal Handling skill.

Command Beast

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: 25′
  • Area of Effect: One target creature
  • Duration: One minute per Willpower Rank
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos gives you brief control of an animal’s mind. For the briefest of moments, your mind and the animal’s merge. Most animals have difficulty understanding the difference between their own mind and magic, so most don’t wonder if their minds were invaded.

The Third Purity

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target person
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos allows the Diviner to literally extract a poison or disease from the body, healing them of the effect completely.

The Third Wholeness

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target person
  • Duration: Three days
  • Raises: None.

The Diviner can not only heal the wounded, but assist them to heal themselves. After treating someone with the Medicine skill, that person’s natural Wound recovery is doubled. If that person spends a day at rest during convalescence, that person’s recovery is doubled again.

The Fourth Purity

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 4
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One serving of food or drink.
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

This Cokalos allows the Diviner to retrieve the foul substances he purifies before they are destroyed. Once extracted, the poison or disease becomes a fine power, generally of gray color, that can be reapplied.

The Third Wholeness

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 4
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: One target person
  • Duration: Three days
  • Raises: None.

the fourth secret of healing is consistency. If you make more than a successful attempt at using the Medicine Skill in a day, you may choose to heal the same number of Wounds on each subsequent attempt as you did on the first of the day.

The Fifth Purity

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 5
  • Range: Touch
  • Area of Effect: Two target person, or servings of food or drink.
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Raises: None.

The final Cokalos of Purity is revealed when the Diviner discovers how to affect all those poisoned or diseased. This Cokalos allows the Diviner to use any of the lesser Purities on additional targets at the same time.

Of One Body

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 5
  • Range: Personal
  • Area of Effect: Self
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

The most powerful Night Cokalos concerning animals, it allows the Ra’Shari to change shape, joining his form with that of a beast. You must be in contact with the animal with which you wish to join. A transformation takes place, taking an entire skirmish round. You retain use of all your Skills and Cokaloi, and gain all special abilities of the beast, with the highest Traits of both.