The ancient civilization of the Naga rose and fell before humans ever stepped foot on the world, and for many centuries humans were not even aware of them save as strange ruins in the Shinomen Mori. Ironically, although they are known for their peaceful nature and refuse to fight against each other, their greatest contributions to the world have been defined by wars, wars reluctantly waged when they believed their cause was right. Long before the first Day of Thunder, the Naga fought the insidious influence of the Nothing and the Shadowlands Taint all across the world. After their great struggle against the Foul, as they called these forces, the Naga left the world behind and entered a Great Sleep. They had foreseen the Foul would rise again in the far future, and the Great Sleep would allow them to be ready to fight when they were needed by the world once more.
To humans, Naga are fantastical creatures: they have the torso and arms of a human but the tail of a massive serpent. Over the centuries, the Naga have crossed paths with the Rokugani more than once. Though conflict was perhaps inevitable, when faced with greater evils the two alien cultures were able to put aside their differences, at least for a time. And if evil rises again in the future, the Naga may return from their Great Sleep once more to stand against the Foul.
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Naga Bloodlines
The Asp
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 Strength
The Naga of the Asp are known for their sturdy bodies and strong minds. The Asp are the most militaristic of all the bloodlines and dedicate their lives to martial excellence. They believe in the power of might and will follow the strongest among their bloodline. Asp are fearless and determined, and do not back down either from enemy armies or from opposing arguments. The Shahadet, the Bloodline Champion of the Asp, serves as the general of the Naga armies and is generally the most physically powerful Asp.
Unfortunately, this dedication to the physical leaves the Asp short in certain aspects. The Asp are prone to hubris and arrogance, far more so than other Naga. The Bloodland Wars, the conflict that raged before the formation of the Naga Empire, occurred because the Asp leaders decided to conquer their Naga brothers. The crazed leader Shahismael started the bloody quest, but he could not have accomplished his tragedies if the Asp had not followed his orders. The Asp engaged in the Bloodland Wars with relish because they believed their martial might gave them the right to lead other Naga.
Naga of the Asp often speak to others with condescension, for they believe themselves to be the greatest of all. The other bloodlines accept this as a personality quirk, for they know the Asps’ hearts are in the right place. The Asp form the majority of the Naga armies, and fight the creatures of the Foul with complete relish and dedication. The Naga Empire would quickly fall to outside forces were the Asp ever to fail in their duties.
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 Awareness
The Chameleons find themselves at home within the shadows more than the rest of the Naga. They blend in with their surroundings, naturally hiding from predators. The Chameleons are physically smaller than most other bloodlines – only the Greensnakes are smaller. This has never been a problem to the Chameleons, who see their diminutive size as another benefit for their duties.
The Chameleons are naturally adept at performing the role of the scout, since they are able to stalk their targets while remaining unseen. Their penchant for moving through the dark corners of the world makes them comfortable with stealth and deception. They train with the spear and bow, and their familiarity with subterfuge makes them ideal guardians for Naga temples, pearl beds, and the houses where their eggs and children are kept.
Chameleons suffer more mutations than some of the other bloodlines, though rarely enough to turn them into Abominations. In particular, the majority of Chameleons are born with the ability to breath underwater. It should be no surprise, then, that the Chameleons built a city under the sea. They happily tend to the largest banks of pearl beds, knowing the rest of the Naga Empire could not survive without the steady stream of magical pearls they provide to the jakla.
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 Perception
The Cobra bloodline has a unique connection to the Akasha that gives them abilities beyond those of the other bloodlines. They can sense the inherent power that lies in many pearls and manipulate them to create potent magic. Other bloodlines can learn to harness the same powers, but they must struggle to complete the simplest tasks while the Cobra master the more potent abilities with ease. This provides the Cobra with many responsibilities to fulfill for the Naga. Physically, the Cobra are the strangest of Naga, with great hoods and serpentine features that make them almost monstrous compared to the rest of the Naga race. Indeed, the Cobra skill with magic comes at a steep price. Their bloodline is the most mutated among the Naga, and the vast majority of the Cobra have at
least one significant physical disability.
The Cobra also tend to suffer somewhat from the arrogance of power. They are more comfortable with deceiving other Naga, for they believe their mastery of magical secrets gives them justification in keeping dangerous knowledge away from their lesser brethren. Much like the Asp, the Cobras are arrogant and dismissive of those they believe weaker than themselves.
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 Stamina
The Constrictors are the most physically imposing Naga in their race, able to spread fear in the hearts of their enemies simply by looming over them. They are often as long as thirty feet from tail to head, and their mighty tails can crush enemies with little effort. However, the Constrictors are also the most peaceful of the Naga, known for their wisdom over their physical strength.
The Constrictors have the strongest connection to the Akasha of any Naga, and understand its ways more than any other bloodline. Some Cobra insist their connection to the Akasha must be stronger because of their mastery of pearl magic; the Constrictors do not contradict them, but simply say everyone must serve the Akasha in their own way. The Constrictors are the arbiters of their civilization, settling disputes and feuds without bloodshed. Every Naga heeds the words of a Constrictor, for they understand the Constrictor only speaks after deep thought and careful study.
Just as they delve the depths of the Akasha, the Constrictors have cast their eyes above to the stars to perceive the future. Astronomy is an imperfect art among the Rokugani, but the Naga consider it a precise science. Because Naga religion revolves around the sun and the moon, astronomers are greatly revered in their society. They can plot out specific events that will occur in the future by reading the state of the stars. It was a Constrictor who saw the dire future ahead of the Naga Empire and directed them to enter the Great Sleep.
There are fewer Constrictors in the modern Naga Empire than any other bloodline. No one understands why they have failed to make fertile eggs, and everyone worries one day the Constrictors will become extinct. The Constrictors themselves acknowledge their fate with stoicism, stating the will of the Akasha will always guide their nation.
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Greensnakes are the smallest of the Naga bloodlines, with adults often measuring as little as ten feet from tail to head. They are also the most numerous of the Naga and have adopted every single role within their society. They serve as warriors within the Naga armies and scouts among the forests. They learn the wisdom of the vedics and even sometimes master the pearl magic of the jakla. They adapt with ease and are always eager to learn more.
The Greensnakes are quick to reach decisions and quick to act, often relying on instincts over reasoning. They are an optimistic bloodline, always choosing to believe in the good in others rather than the negative. Because of this, they often act as the diplomats of the Naga Empire. A Greensnake Scout was the first Naga to make contact with Rokugan after their race woke from the Great Sleep, and it was the Greensnake diplomat the Dashmar who established a working relationship with these strange human neighbors. Above all, it was a Greensnake named the Mara who formed a romantic relationship with the human named Mirumoto Daini, giving birth to a unique human-Naga hybrid named Mirumoto Mareshi.
Among the other bloodlines, the Greensnakes have a reputation for frivolity and impatience. The Greensnakes do not mind, for they know their zest for life and their enthusiasm for the world allow them to appreciate the little details that often pass by unnoticed by the rest of their people.
- Bloodline Benefit: +1 To Any Trait
Mutations among newly born Naga are sadly not uncommon, especially in the Cobra bloodline. However, severe mutations can also hamper the Naga’s connection to the Akasha. Those unfortunate Naga who can barely sense the Akasha are born only a handful of times per generation. These Abominations come from all bloodlines with equal frequency. Although they are still connected to the Akasha, they cannot sense it. They usually suffer debilitating physical mutations, but many also have their bodies strengthened by their changes. Such creatures are abandoned in the forest or sea to survive on their own. Most perish without a chance, but the few who survive can sometimes rejoin their society. Since they do not have the support of the rest of the Naga Empire, their mutations often must be vital to their survival.
The Naga are so accustomed to their connection with the Akasha that they cannot imagine a life without its comfortable presence in their minds. The Abomination represents their worst fear and forces them to face those fears every time they see it. Many Abominations who survive to adulthood ultimately become alienated and choose to step further away from Naga society, even though their people might allow them to return.
The souls of Abominations return to the Akasha upon death and they join the reincarnation cycle once more. This is a small comfort, but one that keeps many Abominations’ faith against heavy temptations.
Naga Schools
Basic Schools
Naga Jakla [Shugenja]
The Naga jakla act as conduits of the mysteries of the universe. Jakla learn to use their connection with the Akasha and focus it into displays of powerful magical prowess. They also perform the major religious and spiritual rituals of Naga society, such as the special ritual that makes all Naga immune to the Shadowlands Taint. Only members of the Cobra bloodline can unlock the magic of the Pearls and join the jakla School. Other Bloodlines can sometimes coax magic out of the pearls, but at a greatly reduced power, and in mechanical terms they cannot take this School.
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills:** Athletics, Kyujutsu, Lore: Shadowlands, Medicine, Meditation (Akasha Recovery), Spellcraft, any one High Skill
- Honor: 5.5
- Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Bow and Twenty Arrows, Naga Spear, Traveling Pack, Pearl Cache, 4 (nonmagical) Pearls
- Affinity/Deficiency: Water/Fire
- Technique: Shining Heart – The jakla learns to hone his focus until he can tap into the magical powers that lie within his pearls. Every day, you may cast two of your spells without expending spell slots. You gain one Free Raise on spells cast in this manner.
- Pearls: Sense, Summon, 3 Pearls of Water Level 2, 2 Pearls of Earth Level 1, 1 Pearl of Air Level 1
Naga Scout [Bushi]
The Naga have always felt at home in the wilderness, and their greatest cities lie within forests and beneath the sea. Their chosen habitat often holds great mysteries and dangers that need to be dealt with before the Naga cities can be considered safe. The Naga Scouts solve these mysteries and plumb the innermost sanctuaries of forests and oceans. The Scouts are masters are moving without making noise or disturbing their surroundings.
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Skills: Athletics, Hunting (Tracking), Investigation, Kyujutsu, Lore: Shadowlands, Stealth, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 4.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Bow and Twenty Arrows, any one weapon, Traveling Pack, 2 (nonmagical) Pearls
Rank 1: The Silent Stalker
The Scout is at home within the forest, as comfortable as the animals that reside within. You add +1k0 to all School Skills while inside a forest. Additionally, you may ignore any penalties for wearing light armor.
Rank 2: The Great Enemy
The Scout can sense the foul presence of the Shadowlands Taint nearby. You may make an Awareness roll at TN 20 to discern any creature of the Shadowlands or the Nothing within 50’. This TN may be higher if the creature has abilities that obfuscate attempts to find it. This Technique cannot discern any creatures with less than one full Rank in their corruption.
Rank 3: Eyes of an Eagle
The Scout learns to spot the minutest details, able to spot even the remnants of a trail in the dead of night. You may spend an Akasha Point to add +4k1 to any Hunting (Tracking) roll.
Rank 4: Blackened Sky
The Scout learns to defeat his foes before the enemy is even aware of his presence. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when using a bow.
Rank 5: Relentless Ranger
The Naga Scout learns to push aside the stresses of his own body when on the hunt, relying on the focus of the Akasha to continue beyond his own means. You may function at full capacity without sleep, food, or water for three days. Once these days are past, you must have food and at least four hours of rest to continue functioning at the best of your abilities – otherwise you become Fatigued.
Naga Vedic [Courtier]
The Naga Vedics serve many different roles within Naga civilization and hold high positions in their society. Vedics who serve the Bright Eye teach the Naga young and heal the sickly. Vedics who serve the Pale Eye are magistrates who render judgment in disputes between different Naga. No matter what role they play, all Vedics are widely known and respected for their wisdom.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Skills: Courtier, Divination (Astrology), Etiquette, Lore: Naga Law, Medicine (Non-Humans), Meditation, any one Lore skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Silk Clothing, Hunting Knife, Traveling Pack, 4 (non-magical) Pearls
Rank 1: Reflecting Calm
The Vedics are often diplomats and negotiators when situations require a calm eye and an unshakable mind. You may make a Contested Courtier / Awareness roll to impart the calm of the Akasha on any one target. You gain a bonus of +2k0 to the total of this roll, +3k1 if the target is a Naga. If the roll succeeds, you sway the target’s mood to be more amenable to your position. The target will no longer be combative; if the test occurs during a skirmish, the skirmish immediately ends and the target will attempt to talk through the situation. If anyone else attacks your target or if the talks fail, combat immediately begins once more and your target gains a free Combat Round before normal combat continues. You may not attempt to use this Technique on the same target more than once a day.
Rank 2: Arbiter
The Naga Vedics are masters of the laws of Naga society and act as judges when the situation merits. You gain a bonus of +2k1 to the total of any Social rolls with Naga.
Rank 3: Heartbeat Of the World
The Naga Vedic attunes himself to the pulse of the world, becoming one with nature itself. You immediately gain one Inner Gift of your choosing (subject to GM’s discretion).
Rank 4: Finding Harmony Within
The Vedic is calm at all times, balancing his personal desires with the will of the Akasha. While you are acting in the best interests of the Naga, you gain a bonus of +2k0 to the total of any Social Roll. This Technique stacks with your Rank 2 Technique.
Rank 5: Swimming the Depths Of the Akasha
The Vedic is in tune with the desires of the Akasha, and the great consciousness of the Naga wishes to protect its children. You may take a Complex Action to touch a target and suffer Wounds equal to one full Wound Rank. If your target is a Naga, he immediately heals two full Wound Ranks; otherwise, the target heals one full Wound Rank.
If the target suffers from a disease, infection, mental illness, or similar problem, you must immediately make a Stamina roll (at an appropriate TN as set by the GM) or succumb to its effects. However, if the roll is successful, you cleanse the target of the negative effect, whatever it might be. You may not be healed from any diseases or other effects gained from this Technique by any means for a minimum of one full day. The Shadowlands Taint and the Nothing are unaffected by this Technique.
Naga Warrior [Bushi]
The backbone of the Naga armies is formed by the Naga Warriors. They are fearless in battle, striking out against impossible odds to defeat the enemies of the Foul. The Naga live in a martial society, and similar training makes the Naga Warrior ready to stand against the greatest Rokugani bushi and fiercest oni without ever backing down.
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Skills: Defense, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Spears (Naga Spear), Lore: Shadowlands, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 4.5
- Outfit: Light or Heavy Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Naga Spear, Bow and Twenty Arrows, any one weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 (non-magical) Pearls
Rank 1: the Soul Of the Naga
The first lesson for the Naga Warrior is that he can rely on the Akasha to guide his hand. Once each Turn you may gain a bonus equal to your Akasha Trait to the total of any one roll (except damage rolls). This bonus doubles against enemies of the Naga (Shadowlands creatures, Nothing creatures, Ashalan).
Rank 2: High Strike
The Naga Warrior learns to rear to his full height, rising over his comrades in the front lines to strike at the enemy. As a Free Action you may rear onto your tail to tower over your enemies. While you are standing tall in this way, your Armor TN is lowered by 5 but you add +2k0 to all melee attack rolls against targets at ground height. You may drop back to your normal stance in the same Round as a Simple Action, or as a Free Action on a different Round.
Rank 3: Chosen Of Qatol
The Naga Warrior is the consummate fighter, never relenting in the face of his enemies. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action while using a weapon with the Naga keyword.
Rank 4: The Akasha Protects
The Naga Warrior is never alone, knowing that his connection to the rest of his race cannot be severed. Once per skirmish, you may take a Free Action at the start of any Round to activate this Technique. You gain Reduction equal to your Akasha Trait for 3 full Rounds.
Rank 5: Heart of a Warrior
The Naga Warrior never falters or stops, as the Akasha cleanses his soul. You may spend an Akasha Point as a Free Action during your Turn to remove any one Status Effect on yourself. If you are Stunned, you may still use this Technique but it counts as a Simple Action instead.
Alternative Paths
Disciples Of the Dashmar [Courtier]
The Dashmar is the political leader of the Naga, and his benevolent influence spreads out among those who admire his abilities. His desire for peace and alliances with other races spreads to his students. The Disciples of The Dashmar are committed to their goals and work tirelessly to connect with foreigners. The Disciples travel far away from the boundaries of the Naga cities, attempting to find common interests with humans. These Disciples often adopt many human customs and become intimately knowledgeable about Rokugan.
- Technique Rank: 2
- Replaces: Naga Vedic 2
- Technique: Friend Of Man – The Disciples of The Dashmar attempt to learn the ways of Rokugan in order to gain new allies against their greatest enemies. You gain a bonus of +1k1 to the total of any Social Roll when trying to convince humans of your goodwill or to soothe dangerous situations with humans.
Master Bowman [Bushi]
Naga are famed for their archery, even among their enemies. There are few rivals for their excellence among the Rokugani, save perhaps the Tsuruchi of the Mantis Clan. Naga Warriors serve as the front line soldiers in war, but there are plenty who choose to specialize in the art of archery. The Master Bowman is able to strike down his enemies before they ever approach the Naga. He aims his arrows with pinpoint accuracy, striking his targets without fail.
- Technique Rank: 3
- Replaces: Naga Warrior 3
- Requires: Archery 5
- Technique: Arrows from the Ranks – The Master Bowman is an artist with his bow, able to strike an opponent in the eye at a thousand paces. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when using a bow. Additionally, you may string your bow for use as a Free Action.
Pearl Shapers [Shugenja]
Jakla are able to contribute to a Naga war band by using their magical pearls to destroy the enemy. However, these abilities tax the jakla’s concentration and stamina, quickly rendering him unable to fight with any efficacy. The jakla have determined new methods of channeling the latent energy in pearls by focusing them into bolts of magical power.
- Technique Rank: 2
- Replaces: Naga Jakla 2
- Technique: Shards Of Light – Pearl Shapers sacrifice their normal magical connections to focus their talents into fierce magical assaults. They shatter jakla pearls to release their magical energy across the battlefield. As a Complex Action, you may crush any pearl (it does not need to be a jakla spell-pearl) and spend a spell slot of any Element to make a ranged attack against a single target within 100’. Your attack roll is equal to your Agility + (twice your School Rank), keeping your Agility. This attack ignores any armor bonuses to Armor TN. The energy bolt’s damage roll is equal to your Akasha + your School Rank, keeping your Akasha.
Naga Specific Abilities
These abilities are automatically available to all Naga at character creation, without any cost in Experience Points.
- Caste: Status represents a samurai’s standing in the Rokugani, and its replacement ability for Naga is Caste. Caste represents a Naga’s position within the Akasha. A Naga’s Caste determines what jobs he may have and the overall position he holds within the society. A Naga character starts at 2.0 Caste by default, and may raise or lower that rank by performing actions important to Naga society.
- The Akasha Trait: The Void Ring is the representation of man’s connection with the elements and the ability to draw upon the strength of mortal men to do the impossible. The Naga do not have such a link. Instead, Naga draw power from their connection to the Akasha, the great consciousness that connects all Naga souls. For Naga characters, the Akasha Trait replaces the Void Ring and mechanically functions in the same way, including the ability to spend and regain Akasha Points for the same effects as Void Points. Spells, Techniques, and other effects that target the Void Ring target the Akasha Trait instead; effects that prevent the character from spending Void Points (such as the Disadvantage Momoku) prevent the character from spending Akasha Points instead. Effects that regain Void Points, such as the skills Tea Ceremony and Meditation, affect Akasha Points (but good luck convincing a Naga to perform a Tea Ceremony properly!). Jakla characters have bonus pearl magic spell slots equal to their Akasha Ring, and these can be used to cast additional pearl magic spells in any Element of their choice.
- Kyujutsu: Naga archers aim at their targets, a radical method that seems foreign and completely ineffectual to most Rokugani. Naga characters use Agility instead of Reflexes when using the Kyujutsu skill.
- Taint Immunity: All Naga are completely immune to the Shadowlands Taint, and thereby are also incapable of casting maho spells.
Naga Specific Advantages
Amphibious [Physical] (3 Points, 2 Points For Chameleon)
Your gills allow you to breath under water as well as in the air. Naga in their underwater cities must have this Advantage to survive.
Divine Focus [Spiritual] (3 Points)
You have an unusually strong connection with the Akasha. Sometimes, you may concentrate to increase your empathy with the rest of your race. Twice per day, you gain a +1k0 bonus on a Social roll with another Naga.
Enhancing Mutation [Physical] (5 Points, 4 Points For Abominations and Cobra)
You were born with physical alterations that are more beneficial than crippling. You retain your connections with the
Akasha, and you are able to use your changes to help your standing in the Naga civilization. These modifications are so minor they do not impede your status among the Naga.
If you wish to determine the nature of your mutation randomly, roll a single die and gain the benefits listed below. Otherwise, collaborate with your Game Master to develop a specific mutation ability (from the chart or personally created).
- 1. Fins: You may swim with ease. You gain a +1k0 bonus on Athletics (Swimming)/Agility rolls and when swimming you move as though your Water is 3 Ranks higher.
- 2. Camouflaging Scales: Your scales blend in with your surroundings, giving you a +1k1 bonus to Stealth rolls.
- 3. Swift Charge: You move your tail with such speed that your Water Ring is considered to be 1 Rank higher for the purposes of land movement.
- 4. Night Vision: You may see in darkness as well as in daylight.
- 5. Enemy Senses: You gain a +2k1 bonus to Perception rolls when trying to track or spot creatures of the Foul (creatures of the Nothing or the Shadowlands).
- 6. Hardened Scales: Your scales are well formed and strong enough to deflect blows. You gain Reduction 1.
- 7. Regeneration: Your body is able to regrow lost appendages over weeks of rest. However, this ability is both physically and mentally excruciating.
- 8. Powerful Spit: You may make a spitting attack (Jiujutsu/Agility) as a Simple Action. This attack ignores armor bonuses to Armor TN and Reduction, and deals 3k1 damage.
- 9. Venom: Your fangs and claws are coated with a poison that can cripple smaller targets. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all unarmed damage rolls.
- 10. Fertile: You are revered in Naga society as an adult who is able to continue the dwindling race. You gain 5 points of Caste.
Hunter Of the Foul [Mental] (6 Points)
You have devoted your life to one goal only: the destruction of the Akasha’s enemies. You have vowed to never rest until the world is free of creatures of the Shadowlands, the Lying Darkness, and the Ashalan. You gain a +0k1 bonus on damage rolls against those creatures.
Prehensile Tail [Physical] (2 Points)
You are able to use your tail efficiently, as if it were another one of your limbs. You may use it to lift objects and dexterously maneuver small items.
Student Of the Past [Spiritual] (Varies)
You have a strong connection to your spiritual predecessors, the Naga whose lives and memories helped form your soul from the Akasha. These past lives remain strong within your mind, allowing you to draw on them to help in times of dire need. When you purchase this Advantage, you should devise a name and history for the ancestor whose mind now resides within yours.
Abominations cannot gain this Advantage, as they often have a weak connection to the Akasha.
Naga Specific Disadvantages
Adrift From the Akasha [Spiritual] (3 Points)
A Naga uses his connection with the Akasha as a link with the rest of his society. When a Naga’s bond with the Akasha weakens due to disease, corruption, or other factors, he is instantly alienated by the foreign emotions of being alone. You suffer a -1k0 penalty on all Social rolls and all Willpower Trait rolls.
Cursed Mutation [Physical] (5 Points, 6 Points for Abominations and Cobra)
You were born with physical deformities that must be overcome to find your place among the heroes of your civilization. These defects are visible to those around you, and other Naga wonder if you are a representation of a weakness in the Akasha. They are loath to interact with you lest they suffer the same ignoble fate in their next life.
If you wish to determine the nature of your mutation randomly, roll a single die and gain the effects listed below. Otherwise, collaborate with your Game Master to develop a specific negative mutation (from the chart or personally created). In addition, any time you gain Caste points, you gain one less point. Any time you lose Caste points, you lose one additional point.
- 1-3. Weakened Health: You are smaller than your fellow Naga, and your body has always been frail. Your Earth Ring is considered one rank lower for the purposes of determining Wound Ranks and resisting disease. This Disadvantage is cumulative with the Bad Health Disadvantage.
- 4-5. Brightly Discolored Scales: Your scales are a sickly color that catches the vision. Those who see your coloration are often dismayed and fear contagion. You suffer a -1k1 penalty on all Stealth rolls.
- 6-7. Failing Eyesight: Your eyes never adjusted well outside the egg. You suffer a -1k1 penalty on all sight-based Perception rolls.
- 8-9. Albino: You are unable to step into direct sunlight without feeling pain along your body. You suffer 1k1 Wounds every twenty minutes you spend in sunlight.
- 0. Uncontrolled Naar Tebaan. You are heavily deformed with the abominating qualities of the Naar Tebaan, and your presence within the borders of Rokugan causes you physical pain. While you are within the borders of Rokugan, you suffer from all of the other Cursed Mutation penalties listed above. This result also grants you an additional Experience Point above all other modifications. If you roll this result, you may wish to seek mercy and request permission from the GM to reroll: the condition is crippling and should not be incurred solely at random.
Terror of the Foul [Mental] (3 Points)
You have had several traumatic experiences with your enemies that left you with an irrational fear of facing them. All of your TNs are increased by +5 whenever you are near creatures of the Foul or if you are facing them in battle. Additionally, you suffer a -1k0 penalty on damage rolls against the same creatures.
There are many types of pearls used by the Naga. They have figured out different methods of utilizing these pearls over the centuries and have plumbed all of their secrets. The jakla know how to spot the special pearls they use for magic by their glow within the Akasha. Their methods allow them to channel these pearls into powerful magic effects that rival that of any magic created by Rokugani shugenja.
Elemental pearls are able to simulate the abilities of most of the spells listed in the L5R 4th Edition Core Rulebook. Each pearl is attuned to one of the four elements available to the Naga (Air, Earth, Fire, Water). The pearl’s strength determines what Mastery Level of spell can be placed inside the pearl; a pearl can contain one spell of a Mastery Level equal to or lower than the level of the pearl. For example, a Pearl of Earth Level 2 can hold a single Earth spell of Mastery Level 1 or 2, but nothing higher. These pearls may be used repeatedly without fear of destruction, though their powers may wane if they are overused.
In addition, there are a few rare and special types of pearls described below, much more limited in number than the elemental pearls handed out to all the jakla. To create a special pearl, the jakla must take an elemental pearl of the appropriate element and alter it to do his bidding, requiring a roll of Spellcraft (Spell Research) / Akasha at a TN equal to 10x the special pearl’s Mastery Level. Once a pearl is altered to become a special pearl, it can no longer be used to cast spells from the L5R 4th Edition Core Rulebook. The exception to this rule is the White Pearl, which can be used to cast multiple spells from the same pearl (see below for details).
There are no Pearls of Void or Pearls of Akasha. No pearl can ever be used to cast Void or maho spells, and no new pearl created through Spellcraft (Spell Research) can ever simulate Void or maho spell effects.
Special Pearls
The Pearl of Cleansing Light
- Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Wards)
- Range: Self
- Area of Effect: 50’
- Duration: Concentration
- Raises: Area of Effect (+10’ per Raise), Special (Willpower TN +5 per 2 Raises)
A light shines upon the caster, illuminating the ground around him. Creatures with at least 1 full rank of Shadowlands Taint or Shadow corruption must make a Willpower roll at TN 20 or immediately run away from the caster. The victims will not stop running until they leave the area of effect. The creature must make the same Willpower roll again if it steps back into the area of effect while the spell is still active.
The Pearl Of Defense
- Ring/Mastery: Earth 2 (Defense)
- Range: 5’ or touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target
- Duration: 5 Rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 Round per Raise)
The target gains scales of steel, preparing him for the enemies that he may face. The target gains Reduction 2, with an additional Reduction 3 against creatures of the Nothing and the Shadowlands (for a total of Reduction 5 against those foes).
The Pearl of Judgment
- Ring/Mastery: Air 4
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target
- Duration: 1 minute
- Raises: Duration (+1 minute per Raise), Area of Effect (+1 target per Raise)
Naga Vedics are the arbiters of their great cities, but they occasionally require aid when the Akasha cannot determine the truth of the matter at first glance. The Pearl of Judgment allows the caster to link to a single target and achieve a state of complete communication. The caster chooses one willing target for the effects of the Pearl of Judgment.
If the target is a Naga, the caster may ask the target one yes or no question and know if the answer is truthful.
If the target is not a Naga, the target can feel the weight and breadth of the Akasha for one brief moment. The caster gains a +3k1 bonus on all Courtier rolls with the target for the duration of the spell. However, the caster does not receive insight into the target’s truthfulness. The sheer size of the Akasha may be disorienting to those who are not prepared for its power, and sometimes leaves the target senseless for many minutes (GM’s discretion).
The Pearl of Movement
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: 25’
- Area of Effect: 1 target
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Raises: Duration (+5 minutes per two Raises)
The Naga pride themselves on their mastery in the element of Water. The jakla can use the Pearl of Movement to instantly increase a Naga’s swimming speed, making him a formidable foe in the underwater Naga cities. The target’s Water Ring is considered to be 2 Ranks higher for the purposes of movement while swimming.
The Pearl of Swift Retribution
- Ring/Mastery: Fire 3 (Battle)
- Range: Self
- Area of Effect: 25’ radius sphere around caster
- Duration: Concentration
- Raises: Damage (+1k0 per two Raises)
The bow remains the most utilized weapon of the Naga, and the jakla recognize its importance within their culture. The Pearl of Swift Retribution was crafted to aid their efforts in battle. When the jakla focuses his attentions through this pearl, he crafts a spherical bubble of translucent energy.
When Naga inside the bubble shoot arrows through its surface, the arrows transform into bolts of energy (much like the blasts of light unleashed by the Pearl Shapers). These arrows ignore Armor TN bonuses granted by the target’s armor, and gain a +0k1 damage bonus. The jakla may not move while he is casting and maintaining this spell; any movement immediately cancels the effects.
The White Pearl
- Ring/Mastery: Air/Earth/Fire/Water 5
The White Pearl is one of the greatest treasures of the Naga civilization. This pearl resides in a place of honor in the most important Naga city of the time. Those who view it swear they can see the whole of the Akasha within its depths. No one knows the true strength of the White Pearl and it has remained unused except for the greatest of crises. A jakla with the White Pearl has access to all spells of every element (except for Void) of Mastery Level 5 or lower. He cannot use this great power to cast Void or maho spells. Unfortunately, such power comes with a price. The jakla must spend two spell slots of the appropriate element for each spell cast through the White Pearl. The jakla may not use Akasha spell slots for spells cast through the White Pearl.
New Equipment
Naga Scimitar
The Naga scimitar is a heavy curved blade that uses its weight and momentum to deal most of its damage. The weapon relies on strength over finesse. The blade is not made of folded steel and is weaker structurally than traditional Rokugani weapons. This sword is mainly used by the warriors of Naga society and is eschewed by scouts, vedics, and jakla.
- Keywords: Large, Naga
- DR: 2k3
- Price: 20 koku
Naga Spear
The Naga spear appears to be similar to a yari at first glance, and the weapon is similar in function. However, the weapon is larger to accommodate the Naga’s larger frame. The spear is seven to ten feet in length and can be used with one or two hands with equal ease. All Naga warriors are skilled in its use and it is quite popular with the majority of their people. The Naga Spear is often used as a deadly piercing weapon at extreme ranges; Naga warriors like to rear onto their tail and strike with spears from the second rank of battle. The Naga Spear can be thrown short distances. However, since the Naga have many options at a distance, this option is rarely utilized.
- Keywords: Large, Naga
- DR: 3k2
- Price: 5 koku